
Monash DeepNeuron Monash DeepNeuron

What Is Outreach at Monash DeepNeuron?

In acknowledgement of National Education Day, DeepNeuron celebrates the power of learning through our blog “Spark & Ignite”! Over the years, Outreach has developed into more than just one branch. What started as a single sub-branch has grown into a multi-faceted platform. Today, Outreach encompasses distinct committees, including Law and Ethics, a dedicated Outreach branch within Education, and Outreach Ancillary, which draws contributors from various other branches.

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Monash DeepNeuron Monash DeepNeuron

Library Artefact Digitisation Q&A

We had the opportunity to hear from Pranav Kutty, current project manager for the Library Artefact Digitisation project and Ryan Garg, who is a project member on this project. Both Pranav and Ryan share their insights from this project which involves the digitisation of real-world objects into viewable/interactive three dimensional models! This project is a collaboration with Monash Automation, another student engineering team, who are working on the creation of robots that can take videos and images of objects which will be digitised.

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Law and Ethics Flynn Gill Law and Ethics Flynn Gill

A Law and Ethics Blog: “AI, EU Ready Kids?”

"The ‘European AI Act’ is an EU regulation designed to regulate the AI technology market. It does this by adopting a risk-based approach of product control, rather than a rights-based one for European citizens. There will be a rolling out period of two years for much of the regulation, and so the effects will be felt years from now."

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HPC, AI Monash DeepNeuron HPC, AI Monash DeepNeuron

Neural Cellular Automata Q&A

We had the opportunity to hear from Keren Collins, current HPC member and project manager for Neural Cellular Automata and Nyan Kyaw, AI Assistant Lead and project team member. Both Keren and Nyan share their insights from this project which is a collaboration between our High Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) branches!

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Law and Ethics Parmeeta Siddique Law and Ethics Parmeeta Siddique

Purveyors of Change: Confronting the New Challenges of Child Exploitation

In recent years, we have seen the rapid growth of technology and at its centre, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its innovative and alarming implementation in society. On September 5th 2023, Monash DeepNeuron’s Law and Ethics Committee collaborated with Monash University and AiLECS lab, who are at the forefront of developing AI so that it can assist law enforcement and be utilised to promote community safety, in the industry event, Protecting the Future: Combatting the Online Surge of Child Exploitation.

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Monash DeepNeuron Monash DeepNeuron

Get To Know: The Girls Behind MDN

Join us in our continued mission to increase diversity and promote the incredible efforts of Women in Tech, both in and out of MDN in our new campaign, IGNITE: Inclusive Girls Nurturing Innovation Technology!

We did a short QnA with some of the girls in our team. Here are their answers!

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HPC Monash DeepNeuron HPC Monash DeepNeuron

2023 APAC HPC-AI Competition

In this competition, we are given two software, one HPC application, and one AI application. In our 2023 APAC competition, MPAS-Atmosphere was chosen as the HPC application, and Bloom as the AI application. Our task is to optimise these softwares to achieve as high a benchmark as possible while staying under compute resource constraints.

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Law and Ethics Johanna Frauenberger Law and Ethics Johanna Frauenberger

Mental Health Chatbots

Although Australia has begun to settle into its ‘post COVID-19 era’, levels of psychological distress and life satisfaction amongst Australians are still yet to recover to what they were pre-pandemic. Some have referred to this as the ‘shadow mental health pandemic’.

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Law and Ethics Parmeeta Siddique Law and Ethics Parmeeta Siddique

The Cultural Impact of AI in Art

Artificial Intelligence (AI) began stirring controversy in 2022 with the release of Midjourney, which utilises AI and text-to-image generation to allow millions of Discord users to generate art.

[Cover image shared by Twitter user Whyenn (@WhyTheEnn)]

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Law and Ethics Ryan Matthews Law and Ethics Ryan Matthews

ChatGPT in Education

ChatGPT’s launch in November 2022 elicited a wide range of reactions in academic circles. Educational institutions have moved quickly to establish a position on its use in assessments, and Monash University has been no exception.

[image from]

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Law and Ethics Monash DeepNeuron Law and Ethics Monash DeepNeuron

Self driving cars: the new trolley problem

The rise of autonomous vehicles has made exciting waves in the automobile industry. Yet, the increased tendency for Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to replace human actors has brought a new set of legal and ethical challenges to the table.

[image from]

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Law and Ethics Monash DeepNeuron Law and Ethics Monash DeepNeuron

Discrimination, Fairness and AI: The Issue of Bias

Consider the following hypothetical: Jane has recently applied for a job as a software engineer at Tech Co. Jane’s application was rejected. Unbeknownst to Jane, Tech Co uses a machine learning system to automate their hiring process. The AI system chose the other applicants, all less experienced and also all male, over Jane.

[image from]

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HPC Mitchell Mibus HPC Mitchell Mibus

MPI and Distributed Computing

So, provided you’ve completed the tasks on openMP parallelisation seems pretty chill, it also might seem bottlenecked by the number of cores your computer has, which for largely upscaled problems, one extremely large CPU still cannot outperform many connected individual processors or standalone computers even.

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HPC Monash DeepNeuron HPC Monash DeepNeuron

Intro to Parallel computing 

One of the core values of computing is the breaking down of a big problem into smaller and easier to solve problems. In some cases, the steps required to solve the problem can be executed simultaneously (in parallel) rather than serially (in order).

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HPC Monash DeepNeuron HPC Monash DeepNeuron

Introduction to High Performance Computing

HPC is about aggregating computing power in a way that delivers much higher performance than one could get out of a typical desktop computer or workstation. HPC cluster plays a key role to solve computationally heavy and complex tasks such as simulating billions of atoms or training billions of neural network parameters.

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HPC Monash DeepNeuron HPC Monash DeepNeuron

Containerisation and Docker in HPC

Welcome to HPC blog number 2! This article is all about providing you with the steps and knowledge to use docker on a linux machine (be it a cloud instance like AWS, or a cluster and anything else). For this article we will be using a cloud instance on AWS that is following on from blog 1 (if you haven’t followed through blog 1, feel free to go through that and then come back to this).

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Deep Learning Monash DeepNeuron Deep Learning Monash DeepNeuron

English to Assyrian/Syriac Translation Model

Natural language processing is an exciting area that has been making many advances in recent times, such as GPT3 and BERT. These models are widely used in the industry to run all types of applications, such as speech recognition, machine translation, algorithm trading and even code generation.

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