2023 APAC HPC-AI Competition


In this competition, we are given two software, one HPC application, and one AI application. In our 2023 APAC competition, MPAS-Atmosphere was chosen as the HPC application, and Bloom as the AI application. Our task is to optimise these softwares to achieve as high a benchmark as possible while staying under compute resource constraints.

The Team

Monash DeepNeuron (MDN) is a Monash University undergraduate team that strives to empower, educate and engage students through hands-on, real world High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence projects.

As one of the projects this year, we’ve decided to participate in the APAC HPC-AI competition for a unique opportunity to be challenged, demonstrate the student’s skills, and learn from peers and experts from around the world.

This competition embodies our team’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the fields of HPC and AI. As we strive to create cutting-edge solutions and tackle complex challenges, participating in such a prestigious event will allow us to test the limits of our capabilities and push the boundaries of what is possible.

MDN opens a project interest form every semester, and our competition members were selected from a pool of students who expressed their interest in the APAC HPC-AI Competition.

Since we’ve entered the competition later than the official entry date, we’ve missed the online trainings, however the team were trained on the recorded training sessions, in addition to the 3-day NCI training session that ran on the Monash campus.

During the competition, we’ve held weekly hybrid meetings to catch up and sometimes work on the competition tasks during the meeting. The resources and communication were done on Microsoft Teams, and the code and documentation were pushed to GitHub. However, due to the nature of the competition tasks and the sizes of the resources, we’ve opted to create a shared directory in Gadi under our project, which made all the scripts and code resources available to the team members.


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