HPC Projects.

Neural Cellular Automata

Project Manager: Keren Collins

Cellular automata is a simulation technique that involves an n-dimensional (usually 2D) grid of cells, each with a state. Each cell’s state is updated iteratively based on a “ruleset”. The project will explore the different behaviours of cellular automata that emerge from different rulesets and eventually replace these rules with CNNs.

Read the project blog here.


Project Lead: Nathan Lam, Jackie Nguyen

The goal of On-hit is to develop a foundational framework for AI action recognition that can be scaled across various applications. Boxing is a great starting platform because its dynamic nature pushes the limits of these models while still being confined within a small boundary area. By leveraging already existing AI pose estimation models, we can detect the skeletons of boxers and use this data to identify actions (e.g., punches, dodges)

Cluster Development

Project Lead: Anthony Oon

Team members will design and implement a custom HPC cluster workload management and scheduling software on a mini-cluster made of 4 Raspberry Pi 4 SBCs. This will first involve setting up remote access (similar to MDN workstation) and performing other mini-cluster improvements (automated infra management using Ansible, etc...).

Moving forward the team is exploring options in integrating different kinds of hardware into the existing cluster, as well as investigating different operating systems.

Astrophysical Simulation

Project Lead: Erol Cemiloglu

Developing a sophisticated physics engine for astrophysical simulations, enabling in-depth investigations into celestial bodies like planets, black holes, and stars. This includes enhancing simulation efficiency through parallelisation of complex tasks like fluid dynamics and gravitational interactions across computing clusters.

Parallel Clip Training

A HPC x AI Collaboration

Create a CLIP (model which connects related images and text) from scratch, testing HPC techniques to make training it faster. Over the Summer, this involves parallelising the training of a CNN over multiple CPUs/GPUs and investigating whether this speeds up DL model training & execution.

DDoS Dissipation

An investigation into Distributed Denial of Service attacks and how HPC techniques can be used to defend a web service under such attacks. A research paper published in the HPC Asia 2018 conference introduces FlexProtect - A DDoS protection architecture for a distributed computing system. Our aim is to explore and investigate how FlexProtect performs against DDoS attacks using HPC simulations.

Map of a DDOS attack

Past HPC Projects

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